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Leongatha & District
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BROWN, Frederick John

Private 3783
51st Battalion
Leongatha, Victoria
His mother Mrs. Catherine Brown of Leongatha. His brother Robert Melbourne Brown was also killed.
Black Boy Perth, Western Australia 30/11/1915
Age 23 years 1 month, 5'8", 156 pounds, brown eyes and dark hair.
Church of England
Horse driver, timber worker
He was killed in action in Belgium 18/10/1917
He has no known grave and has his name on the Menin Gate Yrpes
He lived in the Shire before going to Western Australia with his brother.
He was a Leongatha State School past student
30/11/15 He enlisted in Black Boy Western Australia
12/2/16 He embarked Perth on HMAT Miltiades
His elder brother was C J H Brown of The Bungalow Boyup Brook
2/4/16 He transferred from 7th training Battalion to the 51st Battalion in Serapaum
5/6/15 He proceeded to join the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force in Alexandria and left on the Inverina
12/6/16 He disembarked Marseilles
14/8/16 He was wounded in the field,
16/8/16 He was admitted to hospital in Etaples
24/8/16 He embarked for England at Calais and on the same day went to a military hospital in York.
21/9/16 and 22/9/16 He had a furlough in England
31/12/16 He proceeded overseas
1/1/16 He went to Etaples
18/1/17 He proceeded to his unit
18/10/17 He was killed in action in Belgium
In his will he left everything to his mother
20/9/18 Catherine wrote regarding the effects of both sons
Place of Birth:
Next of Kin:
Date & Place of Enlistment:
Physical Details on Enlistment:
Date & Place of Death:
Location of Grave or Memorial:
Relationship to Woorayl Shire:
Military & Other History:
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