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Leongatha & District
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LARKIN, Andrew

Gunner 3867
1st Field Artillery
Numurkah, Victoria
Mr. M Larkin of Tarwin Lower and later Mrs. Catherine Larkin of Leongatha
Liverpool NSW on 30/11/1914
Age 22 years, 5'6", 168 pounds blue eyes and fair hair.
Roman Catholic
Railway worker
Died of a wound to the left thigh on 22/7/1917 at the 2nd casualty Clearing Station Poperinghe Belgium
He was buried in Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery Belgium.
His family resided in the Shire in Tarwin Lower, VIctoria
Andrew was born on 12 Oct 1892 at Numurkah, Victoria,
Andrew was educated at Katunga State School Victoria
30/11/14. He enlisted in Liverpool NSW
19/2/15 He embarked Sydney on HMAT Runic
30/4/15 He joined the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force
2/7/15 He transferred to the Gallipoli Peninsula
1/9/15 He went to the 6th Battery
6/9/15 He was transferred to the field ambulance
30/10/15 He was returned to Cairo ill with diarrhoea
26/11/15 He was admitted to Mena hospital
8/12/15 He was discharged to the base.
8/3/16 He proceeded to Tel el Kebir
9/3/16 He was taken on strength to the 23rd Battalion
22/3/16 He embarked Alexandria
28/3/16 he disembarked Marseilles
15/5/16 He transferred to the artillery
2/11/16 He was wounded in action
12/11/16 He was transferred to England
12/2/17 He proceeded to France via Folkestone
27/2/17 He was in Etaples
6/3/17 He went to segregation
31/3/17 He rejoined from segregation
7/4/17 He marched out to the 1st Division Artillery
21/7/17 He was wounded in action
22/7/17 He died of wounds
18/8/17 A letter is sent to Catherine stating that there is no more information regarding the death of Andrew. She is also told that there are no effects belonging to her other son Ed returned to the office.
Catherine is granted a pension of 20/- per fortnight from 30/9/17. Mrs. Larkin�s address is Ocean Grove Tarwin Meadows South Gippsland
Catherine received a photograph of Andrew�s grave
12/8/21 Catherine received the memorial scroll
23/8/21 Richard Little solicitor of Leongatha wrote asking for letters of administration for the estate of Andrew Larkin
His effects were a handkerchief, novel, wristwatch, a strap, housewife, cards, stationary. Also 2 discs, rosary, 8 coins, 2 metal rings, 3 religious medallions, letters, cards, photographs, paper cuttings, prayer book, 2 wallets, diary, photo case.
His parents receive his plaque and medals
Place of Birth:
Next of Kin:
Date & Place of Enlistment:
Physical Details on Enlistment:
Date & Place of Death:
Location of Grave or Memorial:
Relationship to Woorayl Shire:
Military & Other History:
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