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WYETH, George

Lance Corporal 496
22nd Battalion, B Company
His father, James George Wyeth "Kurramja" Western Australia, then StKilda, Perth and South Melbourne.
Melbourne 30/1/1915
Age 24 years 10 months, 5'5" 9 stone 7 pounds, blue eyes, dark brown hair.
Church of England
He died of wounds received near Armentieres on 23/6/1916 at the Number 2 Casualty Clearing Station
He was buried in Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension Nord
He was the brother of Cal Wyeth of 'Pine Lodge', Inverloch
He attended All Saints Grammar School East St Kilda
George Melbourne Wyeth was the brother of Calvert Wyeth of Pine Lodge Inverloch
30/1/15 Enlisted in Melbourne
10/5/15 embarked Melbourne on HMAT Ulysses
30/8/15 He proceeded to join the Gallipoli campaign
9/10/15 Hospitalized with diarrhea at the 6th Australian field ambulance
10/10/15 He went to Malta suffering from dysentery on the H S Assaye
16/10/15 He went to Wandsworth on the Carisbook Castle
23/10/15 He arrived in England and spent 4 months recovering in England
5/3/16 He rejoined his unit in Alexandria travelling from England on The Kingston
19/3/16 He left Alexandria
26/3/16 He arrived in Marseilles
6/5/16 His account was debited for the loss of a water bottle charged 2.44 francs
22/6/16 He suffered multi shell wounds consisting of fractured legs and severe head injuries
23/6/16 He died of wounds at 2.30 am at the Number 2 casualty clearing station
His effects consisted of an identity disc, purse, letters, 14 coins, 2 note books, belt, diary, pack of cards, cotton bag and book of psalms
Also 2 brushes, pipe in case, a pair of gloves, chevron, handkerchief, cards, scissors, hymn book
In 1922 Cal Wyeth was authorized by his father to collect the memorial plaque
In 1967 Cal Wyeth applied for his Anzac medal.
Place of Birth:
Next of Kin:
Date & Place of Enlistment:
Physical Details on Enlistment:
Date & Place of Death:
Location of Grave or Memorial:
Relationship to Woorayl Shire:
Military & Other History:
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