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Leongatha & District
Dumbalk • Inverloch • Koonwarra • Leongatha • Meeniyan • Ruby
Tarwin Lower • Venus Bay • Walkerville
WISE, Trevor Watson
RAAF 418033 Army V69965
20 Army Field Company and Number 2 Squadron
Geelong 11 May 1918
Eva Wise, his mother. His father was Leopold Wise. They lived in Mardan and then Caldermeade.
28 March 1941 at Mirboo North
15 August 1943 aged 25 in Papua New Guinea
He is buried in Lae War Cemetery Papua New Guinea
His name is on the Lang Lang Cenotaph and the Leongatha Memorial.
When he enlisted Mirboo North Trevor resided in Mardan. His brother Murray Wise enlisted on 21 April 1939. His address was given as Dumbalk via Meeniyan. He farmed in Dumbalk and died in 1987.
In the 30s Trevor's mother was recorded as being in Dumbalk North. She moved to Caldermeade by 1942 which explains why Trevor is remembered on the Lang Lang Memorial.
Military History
Trevor was a member of the 22nd Militia Battalion. Trevor was missing, believed killed on 15 August 1943. Two planes set out on a sea reconnaissance looking for reported enemy shipping off the coast around Keaukwa, Dutch New Guinea. One airplane made it back to base, after dropping a bomb on one ship they were attacked by two zeros. They evaded them and returned to base. Trevor's plane was never seen again. Flight Sergeant Wise, a wireless air gunner, was one of the crew of five.
Place of Birth:
Next of Kin:
Date & Place of Enlistment:
Location on Enlistment
Date & Place of Death:
Location of Grave or Memorial:
Relationship to Woorayl Shire:
Military History:

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